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Denis Sergeev / DyPy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA collection of python tools for atmospheric sciences
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Backup of the routines used for instrument read out and data processing.
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Mathias Hauser / DyPy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA collection of python tools for atmospheric sciences
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This is the code and link to a data subset linked to the publication "Decadal to centennial extreme precipitation disaster gaps - long-term variability and implications for extreme value modelling"
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This project contains both the code and the latex documents of the thesis "Observed scaling of extreme precipitation with increasing temperature in Central Europe" and its respective publication.
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Marina Duetsch / DyPy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA collection of python tools for atmospheric sciences
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Dummy repository to solve svn caveats on machine euler. See https://wiki.iac.ethz.ch/bin/viewauth/Collaboration/EulerUsers#SVN_on_euler
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cmip6-ng / cmip6-ng
MIT LicenseA collection of scripts for checks, fixes, and general post-processing for CMIP6 models. Main aim is to create a "cmip6-ng" archive similar to the existing cmip5-ng archive.
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crclim / airstreams
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
utility_functions / utility_functions_python
MIT LicenseA collection of generally useful Python utility functions.
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Website to organize small-to medium-scale events (e.g., project workshops) and to host material related to the event.
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Annika Lauber / CNN_for_Classifying_Cloud_Particles
Apache License 2.0Updated -